Connect With Sarmad
4 min readFeb 19, 2020


classical music

As the human has spent time in the world, everything associated with its daily life has evolved. The same process of evolution is faced with the creation of music. The scholars of the music industry are keen to let the audience, the listener and the public to understand the evolution of the music.

Therefore; these scholars have classified the journey of music in different parts. The basic purpose of thereof mentioned classification is to make the process of learning the music more simple. Musicians over the centuries have been introducing minor changes in the music industry as per their knowledge and wisdom. The small and minor changes have revolutionized the music industry.

The classification of the music basically simplifies the art of music in such a simplified manner that different styles and techniques which are used over the years can easily be labeled and the complexity of evolution can be more sensitive to the general audience of the music.

The musicians from different cultures and backgrounds have some verbal clash on the dates and duration regarding these changes in the music, however; most of the musicians and the researchers have agreed on the overall shape and structure of the music evolution. The musicians have classified the music by deeply researching the western music of the past decades.

This research was not focused on western music only by thinking that there wasn’t any music in any other part of the world. However; western music is known as the center focus of the modern era and all the musicians over the world try to follow the basic steps and rules described in the musical book of the west.

Evolution of classical music

Renaissance Era

In the fifteenth century, the world witnessed rapid development in every aspect of the arts and learning. These developments were brought to reality due to the vastly increased freedom in the world, mostly in terms of harmony and polyphony. The freedom was later known as freedom of expression in the world and this freedom was spread in most of Europe and it brought many of the new ideas and creations in the musical industry.

Composers of the mentioned era were still focused on choral writing and some instrumental creations were under the process. These instrumental creations focused more on the vocal effects in the music rather than the words itself. The freedom brought motels and a system of classy parties. Musicians were offered a huge amount of money in those classical parties so the guest could be entertained.

This process dragged the musicians to bring some innovation in the field of music. The use of different and innovative instruments in the music brought complexity in the field of music. This brought a new delight in instrumental effects in the music. The process was famous in the early portion of the fifteenth century and Dunstable, Ockeghem, Despres, and Dufay were four of the most influential musical creation of the fifteenth century.

The normal feel of classical music which is felt by the music lovers was started to be created in the second half of the fifteenth century. In that particular period the musicians began to move their focus from the modal system of harmony, which was common from the past 300 years to the combination of the work with the major and minor scales of music; thus creating a strong sensation of each instrument and each key of every instrument having an individual impact on the listeners.

This period is believed to be the golden era of choral compositions as the endless flow of Capella masses, anthems and madrigals flowed through the pens of the masters’ musicians of the era. Keyboard music was fantasized, dance moves were merged in the musical portion and variations were brought in instrumental music.

Baroque Era

In the baroque era of music, the foundations of the music were laid for the next 300 years of musical expressions and feelings; the modern orchestra was innovated and brought to the field in the Baroque musical era. The concerto, sonata and modern cantata were also merged in the orchestra in the same span.

The soft string family of the renaissance era was replaced by the relatively broader violin, viola, and cello. Harpsichord was invented in the same duration and advances which were important for the musical field were made in the instruments. The choral music used in the renaissance era was no longer used and the composers turned more and more to the use of the idiomatic musical instruments for the work.

Classical Era

At the end of the baroque era of music, the musicians started to set off the new directions in music. Some new avenues were found in the musical field and musicians began to move freely across all Europe. This free movement of musicians helped to give them inspiration.

In the classical era, the form of music created by the church was still found but most of the music composers worked for royalty. The trend of public concerts was started to gain fame in the era and concert halls and opera houses were being launched in every major city found in the globe. The music of the era is accepted as the purest music of all time. The variations and theme concept reached its peak in the classical era and music began to reach new heights in it.


The music over the centuries has taken great innovation by the inclusion of modern techniques. This innovation was brought majorly due to the freedom of expression phenomenon that came to reality in the fifteenth century.

The musical work of Monteverdi, Corelli, Alessandro Scarlatti, and Johann Sebastian Bach was on its peak during the baroque era of music, while in the renaissance era Dowland, Tallis, Byrd, Gibbons, Frescobaldi, Palestrina, and Gesualdo were reaching their top work.

Further; in the classic era, people witnessed the peak of Berlioz, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Liszt, and Verdi as the musicians and composers.



Connect With Sarmad

Connection of my pen, keyboard and my sole is like Guitar strings and the music! Professional Writer and Entrepreneur.